From the course: Managing Your Cybersecurity Program through a Merger or Acquisition

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Performing compromise assessment

Performing compromise assessment


- [Instructor] During the mergers and acquisition process, it is important to know about any past or ongoing cybersecurity incidents or data breaches on the target company. This will help the buyer company make the final decision on the deal and negotiate the right price point. In this video, we will be discussing the fourth step of cybersecurity due diligence, which is to perform the Compromise Assessment. The first step in the Compromise Assessment is to identify any past or ongoing cyber incidents or data breaches the company has experienced. This can be done by looking at incident reports, interviewing the target company's IT or information security employees, or by conducting external research, which typically involves collecting, analyzing, and correlating data from various external resources to gain a comprehensive view of potential security breaches and ongoing threats. With that information, the organization can…
