From the course: Managing Your Personal Investments

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Understanding investments and taxes

Understanding investments and taxes


- Regardless of where you are on your investment journey, whether you're just learning doing some virtual trading, managing your own investments, or you have an advisor managing your money for you, it's critical that you understand the tax implications. I know, I know, it's never fun talking about taxes. But my goal with this video is to show you how taxes on investments work so you can make smarter decisions. First, it's important to understand that in many tax systems around the world, income generated from investments has a lower tax burden than income generated from the hard work you do in your day to day job. The theory behind the difference is that investment money helps to create jobs and therefore should be treated more lightly than less productive money paid for your labor. To show you the impact of this, take $50,000 earned from two people in New York City. One earned the money from working 40 hours a week, the…
