From the course: Marketing Strategy: Nurturing Your Customers

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Developing your value proposition

Developing your value proposition


- Why does your company exist? It seems like a simple enough question to answer, but many set off to build a business without necessarily asking themselves this question: Where do you sit in the market? Who needs what you're selling? Why is your company going to be successful? Seriously, if you can't answer all of these questions immediately, hit pause on this video and think through them. Now that you have those answers, you can understand the value that you're creating. Here's one last challenge. Does your value answer why people want or need your product? Not what it is, but why people want it. The emotional appeal of your product, the pain point it's solving, the aspiration it's creating. If not, pause again and work on that. When you have that locked in, it's time to communicate it. Gone are the days of the elevator pitch. No one has the 30 seconds of time or attention span to listen to your pitch. You need to…
