From the course: Mastering SEO: How to Develop a Superior SEO Strategy

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Writing content with SEO

Writing content with SEO


If you don't have SEO built into your content, chances of it being successful to where it gets lots of search traffic and sales or conversions like subscriptions to your email list are slim. I'll walk you through how SEO should really be used from the ground up when writing content. This includes building sections or content pieces around target keywords that are found during SEO keyword research. Content writers should appreciate SEO because it often gives them the backbone of the content piece. They have target keywords they can base their outline around. To begin, first get your list of 10 to 15 main and related target keywords that you want to make sure to include in your piece of content. Next, map out at least 3 to 4 headers and sections around the keywords to build the outline. Then start writing. Many writers like to write the introduction and the conclusion first, while others do it last. It's really a matter of preference. Once a writing piece is done, follow SEO best…
