From the course: Menopause in the Workplace: A Guide to Supporting Your Colleagues

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Having the conversation

Having the conversation


- So in this chapter, we're going to talk about how you as a line manager can support your colleague, and how best to have the conversation. Firstly, be sure that it's a private space for you to have this conversation and make sure you've allocated plenty of time and that you won't be interrupted. You need to be respectful, empathetic, listen actively, and speak kindly. Maintain good eye contact and encourage the employee to talk. After all, it is they who are experiencing the symptoms, not you. Don't take a judgmental attitude or don't think that you know the solution. You need to focus on the person, not the problem, and avoid making assumptions or being prescriptive. Just because your mother or aunt or family member may have gone through menopause, or maybe your wife or partner may be going through it, it doesn't mean you know the answer for this individual. The solution for them may not be the solution for your…
