From the course: Menopause in the Workplace: A Guide to Supporting Your Colleagues

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Menopause is a workplace issue and an economic issue

Menopause is a workplace issue and an economic issue


- Menopause is also a workplace issue because of the number of women staying in the workplace, and also because the age of retirement is increasing. In recent years, we've spent a lot of time and effort driving diversity and inclusion and gender equality at work. We want to encourage women to stay in the workplace. 45 is the average age of perimenopause, and 51 is the average age of menopause. This is often the peak period for women progressing in their careers and achieving promotion into more senior roles. And menopause can affect that. Menopause is also an economic issue, not only because of the extreme cost to our healthcare system, but also the cost to employers through absenteeism, sick leave, performance and more. Before we can understand how to successfully navigate menopause in the workplace, we must first understand the symptoms and how to recognize when a colleague is menopausal. In the next chapter, we're…
