From the course: Menopause in the Workplace: A Guide to Supporting Your Colleagues



- Here is an astonishing fact. 80% of women in the workplace say their performance has been impacted by their menopause. And 39% of women experiencing menopause said they'd missed time off work due to their symptoms. Menopause is a human condition that affects most of us at work or at home in one way or another. In fact, 50% of the world's population will go through menopause, and the other 50% may be impacted by it directly or indirectly. And yet it is seldom spoken about in the workplace, and sometimes not even acknowledged as real. I'm Loretta Dignam, CEO and founder of the Menopause Hub based in Dublin, Ireland. Our mission is to drive awareness and education about menopause in the workplace. I am dedicated to clearing the confusion and stigma around menopause, and to help women and companies around the world successfully navigate this very natural human phenomenon. By understanding the conditions and symptoms that menopause can cause, as an employer, supervisor or colleague, you will have the understanding and the skills essential to successfully manage this very natural human condition. So by the end of this course, you'll have learned three things. One, an understanding and an appreciation of what menopause is, its symptoms, and how it might impact your colleagues at work. You will also have an understanding of the range of supports that you can offer to help your colleagues through this phase of their life. And thirdly, you will have the confidence to have that all-important conversation to understand how you can help your colleague. So now, let's get started. (bright music)
