From the course: Menopause in the Workplace: A Guide to Supporting Your Colleagues

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Why do we need to think about menopause in the workplace as an employer?

Why do we need to think about menopause in the workplace as an employer?

From the course: Menopause in the Workplace: A Guide to Supporting Your Colleagues

Why do we need to think about menopause in the workplace as an employer?


- So in this chapter, we're going to talk about what steps and actions an employer can take. So what do we need to think about in terms of menopause in the workplace as an employer? Well, at the top of the list is retention. As we've said, 12% of menopausal women reported that they left work and this is because they didn't have adequate support in the workplace to help them through this phase. One way to retain great talent is for managers to behave responsibly in their attitudes, actions, and language used. Employers must be conscious of providing adequate supports to menopausal women. Why? Because this support sends a positive message as an employer and supports an inclusive culture. It helps retain female staff and women may be attracted to employers who are more menopause friendly in exercising their duty of care and demonstrating an interest in the wellbeing. It also improves employee performance and that may be…
