From the course: Ninja Writing: The Four Levels of Writing Mastery

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Bonus ninja tactics: How to boost your vocabulary

Bonus ninja tactics: How to boost your vocabulary

From the course: Ninja Writing: The Four Levels of Writing Mastery

Bonus ninja tactics: How to boost your vocabulary


- Hey so, some people have asked me, how can I work towards improving my vocabulary? And you know, it's something I've taken for granted most of my life, but I had to think about ways of doing it if you really didn't know. And some ways of, came up with a few. So here are some bonus tactics for you to have, okay. Obviously, the first thing is to look up words you read and you don't know the meaning of. Now that's the obvious one, okay. But make it a habit, okay? Whenever you come across, you're reading an article, you come across a word that you don't know, just look it up, okay? Then, next thing, I want you to study the exact difference between this word that you've looked up and the closest word to it that you know. Because this is what enables you to get an understanding of the shades of meaning of particular words and families of words. So, you wanna start to be aware of the differences. As we've seen in other courses, you've got like shades of meaning. And some words can be used…
