From the course: NLP with Tidytext R

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Sentiment analysis with sentiments()

Sentiment analysis with sentiments() - R Tutorial

From the course: NLP with Tidytext R

Sentiment analysis with sentiments()


- [Instructor] Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing tool used to determine the intent of a document. By attaching values to words, we can determine whether a document is intended to be negative or positive or angry or happy. Let's take a look at how tidytext implements sentiment analysis and let's take a look at why you might be concerned about how sentiment analysis operates. In line three, four, and five, I bring in the tidyverse and tidytext packages. Then in line eight is the sentiments command. And sentiments provides for us a list of words, you can see these down in a console, followed by a sentiment, in this case, negative. So if you look at line two, abnormal is ranked as negative. Line nine provides us with all of the sentiments available in this particular dictionary, and you'll notice that only negative and positive appear as sentiments in this particular dictionary. What you're seeing is…
