From the course: Operations Strategy for Business

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Company strategy: Corresponding and coherent

Company strategy: Corresponding and coherent

From the course: Operations Strategy for Business

Company strategy: Corresponding and coherent


How does the business's overall strategy relate to the various functions strategies, or departments strategies and those with each other? Operations is one of the main functions or we could say departments of a business, and there were other functions such as in a simple organization, marketing, finance, IT, and typically several others customer service and R&D for example. As we in operations set about planning the operations strategy, this cannot be done starting with our own blank sheet of paper. Most typically, it will be led by the overall organization strategy and in coordination with the other functions who will be making their own strategies too. So marketing will have their own strategy and finance, operations, HR will all have their own strategies, but they must not be their own strategies. They've got to work together with coherence between them and each others tight correspondence to the overall business strategy. Consider this example. In the operations strategy, we've…
