From the course: Operations Strategy for Business

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Prioritizing what the customer wants

Prioritizing what the customer wants

From the course: Operations Strategy for Business

Prioritizing what the customer wants


External objectives. These are what the customer cares about from the operations or more generally, the beneficiaries who buy, receive, or consume the products and services produced by the operations. Quality, delivery, flexibility, service, and cost. Choosing how much of each of these external objectives to meet, and in what way forms another key part of the operations strategy. A graphic design company offering leaflet design services could go for ultra-high flexibility and customized tailored service, outstanding quality, fast delivery, but for very high cost. A different leaflet graphic design office may offer a budget service. To compete on super low prices, it needs to operationally incur very low cost, so it can only offer slow delivery, average quality, a few options and very basic service. Often an organization will offer multiple variations of a product or service may be a higher quality option, extra customization or faster delivery almost always by incurring and charging a…
