From the course: Operations Strategy for Business

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Stakeholder management and requirements

Stakeholder management and requirements

From the course: Operations Strategy for Business

Stakeholder management and requirements


Along with the business owners and customers, there are yet more stakeholders who exert their demands upon the operations of an organization, creating further objectives to balance in the operations strategy. These stakeholders include society, the environment, employees, the government, suppliers, regulatory, and lobby groups. Let's look at each one of them in a little bit more detail. Society. The local and global society has an interest in the operations of a business. They wish typically to minimize the negative impacts on the environment and maximize the positive ones. For example, the operations function typically has the greatest impact and influence on the environmental footprint of an organization. This includes carbon footprint, water and power use, various emissions and more locally issues such as noise and traffic. Society is also interested in the potential benefits, such as improved local investments in infrastructure, high-quality jobs and supporting local businesses…
