From the course: Operations Strategy for Business

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Why businesses need an operations strategy

Why businesses need an operations strategy

From the course: Operations Strategy for Business

Why businesses need an operations strategy


Every function within an organization should develop a strategy for how it will best contribute to the overall organization's vision. Marketing, finance, R&D and operations is certainly no different. With strategy focused on the long term big picture giving everyone involved perspective and clear direction, the operations department business function can coordinate their efforts, plans, investments, and actions in pulling together and in the right direction. Without a deliberately made and communicated strategy, the various parts of operations, like any other large and complex entity, will find themselves battered and disrupted by the day-to-day drama, putting in short-term fixes focused only on the urgent, the firefighting at the expense of the long-term important issues and opportunities. An operations strategy translates the organization's strategy into the language and context that operations understand and can act upon. The corporate strategy may talk in terms of world-leading…
