From the course: Photo Critique of the Week

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Evaluating images of fire

Evaluating images of fire


- You know you shouldn't play with fire, but you sure can photograph it. Hi, I'm Steve Simon, the passionate photographer, and welcome to another addition of photo critique of the week. This week we're going to look at images that have fire in them. Fire is a very difficult and challenging subject. So I think, there's a lot I could talk about here and there's some stuff maybe you can learn from my experience photographing fire. Let's take a look. Fire is a subject that obviously, depending on the situation, and for this purpose here, we're going to be talking about extreme performers. For example, fire eaters, if you will. And, it's always a favorite subject of mine if I'm in a city somewhere in the world and there's this kind of activity going on, I will always try and photograph it. It's not easy, however. There are a lot of variables involved. You know, as these guys spit out the flames, the size of the flame is going to determine a lot of things in terms of exposure, and that's…
