From the course: Photo Critique of the Week

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Reflection tuba

Reflection tuba


- [Instructor] Hi everybody, my name is Steve Simon the Passionate Photographer, and welcome to a brand new edition of Photo Critique of the Week. And this week I'm going to talk about a series of images I made in a relatively short time as I was walking the streets of a town I love to photograph in, Boston, Massachusetts. And the subject matter, this little band that I encountered, and their instruments, and you know, reflections are something I think a lot of us like to photograph, and you know, I'm no stranger to looking at reflections, as a matter of fact, looks like there's a lot of self-portraits in there, because I'm in there. But it's often interesting when you see the world reflected on some surface, you know, be it a mirror, a window, or an instrument. So you know, I've encountered these guys and I'm deciding that, you know, it's the reflection that's most interesting, so I want to explore it. They're playing…
