From the course: PLC Program Flow and Control Instructions

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Jump (JMP) to label (LBL) instructions

Jump (JMP) to label (LBL) instructions - Ladder Logic Tutorial

From the course: PLC Program Flow and Control Instructions

Jump (JMP) to label (LBL) instructions


- [Instructor] The jump instruction is an instruction used to jump over portions of ladder logic program. It is an output instruction, looking like this, with jump between parentheses. The jump instruction works in pair with a label instruction. The label instruction is a target for the jump instruction. When a jump instruction is used, the PLC skips all the rungs between jump instruction and its associated label instruction, and the rungs will not be scanned by the processor. In the jump zone, input conditions are not examined and outputs remain in their last state. They jump instruction with its associated label instruction must have the same address, so the program knows where to go jump to. If a ladder logic program has many jump instructions, each jump instruction must have a label instruction with a matching address. The label instruction must be programmed as the first instruction on the rung where it resides.…
