From the course: PowerPoint: Transforming Presentations with Cinematic Effects

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Use depth of field to give depth to your slides

Use depth of field to give depth to your slides


- [Narrator] Depth of field is a term used in cinematography and photography to describe the range of distances within an image. This means that some areas appear to be sharp while the rest of them seem out of focus. This is a great technique to emphasize certain elements and direct the viewer side to the main point of interest in the image. In presentations, depth of field can take our slides to the next level. It provides depth and complexity making it look like each element is on a different layer. Now, let's see how we can use this concept to create powerful slide designs. Let's say we're doing a presentation about bees. I found this image of a bee online. For now, I will put it right here. Next, let's duplicate it three more times. To do that, we only have to hold Control on our keyboard, select the image, and drag it to another position using our mouse. We'll now flip the ones on the left, so they're facing our title by selecting them, then go to the Picture Format panel at the…
