From the course: PowerPoint: Transforming Presentations with Cinematic Effects

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Use symmetry for clarity of information

Use symmetry for clarity of information


- [Instructor] Symmetry is a technique used in films to create balance. It provides harmony and order or creates contrast between elements in the frame. When we use this concept in presentations, it provides a structure to our layouts, making them easier for our audience to understand. Having symmetrical layouts essentially means having a guideline running through the middle of our slides, either horizontally or vertically, and organizing the content in a way that feels balanced on both sides. This means that if you add an image to the top half of the slide, you need to balance it with another image on the bottom half. The same principle applies to texts and other graphics. Add them to the left, balance them on the right and vice versa. Symmetry can also be used to create contrast between two elements. Let's say we're making a presentation about the universe and we want to highlight the differences between each planet. For this slide, we'll use two images, a picture of Venus and a…
