From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Working with batteries

Working with batteries

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Working with batteries


This week I want to talk completely about batteries. Now batteries I know for a lot of people isn't a very sexy topic. Not a lot to say about batteries, but there are a few things that you definitely want to keep in mind any time you're purchasing or using batteries on set. Not only do you want to make sure that you have plenty batteries, but I also recommend that you shoot only with extended life batteries. So these little, you know, four hour, two hour batteries, starter batteries that come with the camera, they're fine but these are pretty much batteries that I only use as an emergency back up when I need to. Instead, I recommend for any extensive shooting that you go out and get some of these extended life batteries that will last you for six to eight hours on a full charge. So if look at these two side by side right here, you can see this one's about a third bigger and it gives you about a third more recording time. So this battery is six hours, this battery is four hours. Two of…
