From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Creating a 404 page in React

Creating a 404 page in React


- [Instructor] Okay, so at this point, the main functionality of our application, being able to browse through the articles and actually click on the article and read the article on a page, that functionality is pretty much done, as well as some of the other important functionality like being able to navigate to different pages. However, there are still two main things that we need to finish here before we move on to implementing the backend. The first thing is that we need to actually implement the home page and about page here because currently, they really don't contain any content whatsoever. And the second thing is that we need to make sure that when a user goes to a route that doesn't exist, like this one, that we have some kind of not found page to show them, and do so at the right time. This will also apply to the articles page when the user tries to go to an article that doesn't exist. So those are the two things…
