From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Creating the app component

Creating the app component


- [Narrator] All right. So now that we've got a very basic react app up and running, the next thing that we're going to do is make a few changes to the app component, which currently is the only component in our react application. So if you open up app.js, what you're going to see is inside this app component, we have all of the JSX, right? That's the HTML like syntax that react uses to define interfaces defined for our application. And basically all that this is right now is the little spinning logo thing. That's line eight right here. We have this little message saying edit source slash app.js and save to reload, which is just the message that's displayed underneath it. And then we have a link that takes us to the react documentation. Now, none of this stuff is really relevant currently for our blog app that we want to build. So what I'm going to do is just delete everything here except for the surrounding app div.…
