From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Creating your blog pages

Creating your blog pages

- [Narrator] All right, at this point we have the app component, which is the uppermost component in our react application defined and we've also added styling for our applications. So the next step for us is going to be to create all of our applications pages. And once we have those created and displaying on the same route, which we'll see how to do very shortly, we'll be able to actually go through each page and implement it individually. So the first thing that we're going to want to do is inside this source directory let's create a new folder and we'll call this folder, pages. And as you might guess by the name, this is where we're going to be creating all of the individual components for our pages on our blog site. All right. So in react, pages of a site are usually just regular components. There's not a special type of component that we have to use in order to make pages in react. So anyway, what we're going…
