From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Downloading and installing MongoDB

Downloading and installing MongoDB


- [Instructor] All right, so now that we know what MongoDB is, and what we're going to be using it for, let's get it up and running on your computer. Now, if you're using a Mac like I am in this video, I highly recommend that you install MongoDB using Homebrew, Or if you're using some other operating systems such as Windows, I'm afraid that I really can't help you too much with that. But I'm going to direct you to MongoDB's installation instructions for MongoDB Community Edition. And in order to find these, all you have to do is search for MongoDB Community Edition installation tutorials, and you should be able to find this page, which contains a pretty extensive listing of all the different operating systems that you might need to install MongoDB on. So, like I said, the way that I'm going to be installing this on Mac is using something called homebrew, which is a really nice package manager for the Mac operating system…
