From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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- [Shaun] Well, we have covered quite a few topics in this course. And just as a quick review, we started off by learning how to create a front end application with React. We saw how to create a simple server and rest API with Node.js and Express. After that, we saw how to persist all of our data by storing it in MongoDB. And this was followed up by seeing how to authenticate users with Firebase Authentication and bringing our front and backend together with the Axios library. And finally, we closed out by seeing how to host an entire full-stack application, right? The blog that we built on Google Cloud platform. So, now that you've got all this full-stack development knowledge, you might be wondering where to go next. Well, there's one main thing that I would recommend and that is that you try building your own full-stack application, right? Just find something that you're interested in, some project that you've always…
