From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Releasing a full-stack application

Releasing a full-stack application


- [Instructor] All right. At this point our app is pretty much ready to release to Google cloud. So that's what we're going to see how to do here. Now, the first step in doing this is to add what's called an app.yaml file So app-dot-Y-M-L to our backend project. And this file is basically just going to tell Google cloud what sort of environment our project needs to run in. And it's also a good place for us to specify environment variables such as our MongoDB username and password. All right, so all we're going to need to add here is the property run time, and this is going to be equal to Node.js 16. Although if you want to run it on a different version of Node you can always choose a different version as well, such as Node.js 14, if you want to, or something later as well. Now, in order to add the environment variables what we're going to do is just create a separate YAML file. So we'll say new file, and this is going…
