From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Setting up a React project

Setting up a React project


- All right. So the fastest way to set up a React app from scratch is usually by using a generator, right? It is possible to create a React app from scratch without using a generator but it can be kind of a lengthy process and it involves some extra things that we're not really going to be talking about here. So there are several generators that you can use all of which take nearly all of the work out of getting a React site up and running which is pretty great, right? So in this video what we're going to do is use create React app, which is a not very creatively named open source React app generator which is published, I believe by Facebook. And it's currently one of the most popular and common ways to create a new React application. So to set up our project, what you're going to want to do is open up visual studio code or whatever IDE you're using. And you're going to want to open up the integrated terminal in your IDE.…
