From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Shutting down a Google Cloud project

Shutting down a Google Cloud project


- [Instructor] All right, so now that we've been able to successfully host our entire full stack application on Google Cloud platform, the last thing that you're probably going to want to do here is shut down this project so that you don't start getting charged for it. All right, now this is actually quite an easy process. What you can do if you want to make sure you're not getting charged for this is open up this menu over here on the left-hand side and you're going to want to go to Billing, right? You probably needed to set up a billing account to make this work. And then what you're going to want to do is go down here to Account management on the left. And here you should see all of your Google Cloud projects that you have billing enabled for. Okay, so all you have to do in order to make sure that you don't start getting charged for this project is find your project in this list. And you're going to want to click the three…
