From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Testing an Express server with Postman

Testing an Express server with Postman


- [Instructor] All right. So we've created a very simple express server, and as we move forward with our server development, it's going to be very important for us to have an easy and reliable way to test it. So far, what we've done is we've just typed the URL into our browser and this has worked but for some of the more complicated operations we're going to want to implement, this isn't going to be quite good enough. So what I'm going to recommend you do is head over to and download a piece of software called Postman, which is a very, very helpful program for testing servers as you're building them. And this is what it looks like when you open it up. So once you've downloaded and installed Postman, let's use it to actually query our backend. So what we're going to do is run our server. If you have your server running, that's great. If you don't have it running you're going to want to run it again…
