From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Using React Router links

Using React Router links


- [Instructor] All right, so at this point, we've created very basic components for all of the pages in our application, and we can navigate between those pages simply by going up here to the top and typing in the path of one of our different pages. So if we type /articles, we'll see that the articles page shows up. Now this whole idea of typing in the path in a browser is probably something that our users aren't going to want to do. So it's very important that we allow our users to navigate between different pages by interacting with the site instead of actually having to go up here and know the specific path they want to go to. Now, the way that we do this, the way that we allow users to click certain elements and go to another page, in other words, the way that we add links to our site using React Router is by using a special component called the link component. Now, before we actually see how that component works, what…
