From the course: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

Why Firebase Auth?


- [Instructor] All right, so now that we've added MongoDB to our full stack application and we have pretty much our full front end and backend completed, the next thing that we're going to do is see how to add basic user authentication to our app. Now, adding user authentication from scratch is something that can be kind of difficult. And I actually have a course on that as well, if you want to check that out. So what we're going to be doing here is using a tool base called Firebase Auth or Firebase Authentication to make the job of adding Auth to our app much easier. Now, Firebase Authentication, basically what it does is it takes care of storing all of our users' information and passwords in a very secure manner for us, right. We can't even see our users' passwords. So basically this allows us to sort of piggyback off of Google's security practices, which I can almost guarantee are going to be much more strict than yours. Okay, so what we're going to be seeing how to do is create a Firebase Auth project and add a few users to it. And we're also going to see how to enable different sign-in methods, such as email and password sign-in. And then of course, we're going to see how to integrate all of this into our React app and also into our Node.js backend. So that's Firebase Auth, let's jump right in and get started.
