From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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Link contacts to opportunities

Link contacts to opportunities - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

Link contacts to opportunities


- [Instructor] As you continue working with your customer and you get more clear on the details of the opportunity, one of the pieces of information that you'll capture is who you're working with at the account site and what role those individuals have with this opportunity or what level of influence they have on this particular deal. We capture the names of contacts that we're working with using contact roles right here on the opportunity. You can click view all to view contact roles that you maybe have already listed. To add a contact, click the arrow and select add contact roles. This brings up the screen that will list all the contacts that are associated with this customer account. You can click the action box to choose the contact and click next, but before you do, there's one other thing to know about contact roles. This page will show all the contacts that are related to this account record, but you're not limited to…
