From the course: Serving Customers Using Social Media

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Determine when to use templates versus customized responses

Determine when to use templates versus customized responses

From the course: Serving Customers Using Social Media

Determine when to use templates versus customized responses


- Some people believe it's never okay to use templates or canned responses in social media customer service. They argue that because people can see all the responses you post in a public feed, they'll notice when you're using a template because you're writing the same thing over and over. The anti-template folks believe customers will be put off by your copy-and-paste customer care. Well, whether you are pro-template or anti-template, there are times when you will need a template. For example, if your company suffers some type of customer service emergency, an outage, a product recall, or a snowstorm that delays deliveries, your social channels are going to blow up. When there was a power outage at the city zoo, the social customer service team used this templated post to let everyone know. There's no way the customer service agents would've been able to handle all the contacts without a pre-written response. Another good time to use a template is when you're sharing detailed…
