From the course: SketchUp Pro 2024 Essential Training

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Resizing objects in SketchUp

Resizing objects in SketchUp


- [Instructor] To resize pieces in our model to fit within a certain measurement, we can use the Scale tool. That icon is found here, or you can use the keyboard shortcut letter S. Now, when we hover over objects, you can see the blue bounding box appear and that indicates which item we're about to resize. Click and release on the table to resize or scale the table, and you'll notice that a yellow bounding box with green grips appears. These grips will indicate when we hover over them with a string which direction we are about to scale. So you can see that this one will resize the height and the length of the table, but not the width. To let go, I can hit escape and choose a different grip. This one resizes in all directions, the height, width, and length of the table. Again, I'm going to hit escape. In this case, I'd only like to resize the width of the table, so I'm going to look for the grips in the middle end of the table. And I'll test it by clicking and releasing and moving my…
