From the course: SketchUp Pro 2024 Essential Training

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Set and update scenes in SketchUp

Set and update scenes in SketchUp - Sketchup Pro Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp Pro 2024 Essential Training

Set and update scenes in SketchUp


- [Instructor] Returning to a specific set of information quickly is an important aspect of modeling and documenting your 3D model. To do that, we'll use the Scenes panel. If you go to Window, Scenes, for Mac users, and you'll find it in your default tray if you are a Windows user. The Scenes function will capture information that is present when the scene is set or updated. To see a full list of information captured, click on the black and white icon here in the upper right. This list down here is all of the information that you can capture in a scene. Important ones include camera location, hidden objects, visible tags, section planes, and style. So if I were to orbit here, I already have a scene set, so I can quickly return to that by clicking on that Scene tab. And you can see a thumbnail of it here. Let's create a new scene. Let's zoom in on this door here and pan. Your view doesn't have to look exactly like mine, but let's change the camera location. Then let's change a few more…
