From the course: Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Twitter

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Developing your content strategy for social media

Developing your content strategy for social media

From the course: Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Twitter

Developing your content strategy for social media


- [Instructor] A content strategy helps you map out the content you will create and publish on your social media channels. It's essentially where strategy meets content. It answers all those questions that you have on, what should I post? What does my audience want to hear from me? Or at least it helps you begin to answer those questions. Before we get started building out this content strategy, open up the Social Media Strategy document that you've been working on. As you go through this movie, pause it to jot down ideas, answer questions, and work through the content strategy along with me. By doing this now, by the end of the movie you'll have some great actionable ideas to get started. The first step with any strategy is goal setting. Now, we covered off some of these SMART goals in the previous movie, Developing Your Social Media Marketing Strategy. I recommend going back and reviewing the SMART goals that you've…
