From the course: Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Twitter

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Embracing storytelling

Embracing storytelling


- [Instructor] Humans are scientifically hardwired for stories. We've been telling stories for as long as there's been language to tell them, and we turn just about everything we experience into one. Why? Well, the short explanation is that our instinct for story is a survival skill, and our ability to share and tell stories has enabled the human race to collectively cooperate and problem solve to where we are today. Social media storytelling is a process of using social media platforms to tell stories about your brand, your products, or whatever captivates your audience. In order to make sure you're telling the most compelling stories, ask yourself the following questions. Why do I want to tell this story? What is my unique perspective? What value will this provide to my audience? And what do I want my audience to take away from this story? This will help you really drill down to see what your narrative is, and…
