From the course: Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Twitter

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Setting goals to measure success

Setting goals to measure success


- [Narrator] Measuring your social media efforts can feel difficult at times. Often the data we collect is qualitative. We hear stories from our customers on social media about how much they love our product or if they're in need of customer service. So let's get started setting goals for Facebook and Twitter. Go ahead and open up your social media strategy document In the movie "Developing your Social Media Marketing Strategy", You may have written some SMART goals down. Review them now, and don't worry if you haven't created any at this time. I am going to walk you through the exact steps. The SMART framework is a proven system to make sure that your goals lead to real business results. After all, if you're working in an organization or for a client, they're going to want to see that you can measure your social media success. Let's go over how to do that through SMART goals. Now, each of your goals should be specific…
