From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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Rich: When we designed this course we thought it was really important to provide the perspective of two professionals for several reasons. Amy and I get a chance to work on lots of different styles of projects, and men and women sometimes approach the art of the interview a little bit differently. So we're going to share several different opinions on how we do this. But before we jump in to the actual course, let's take a moment to just get a chance to know each other. Amy is a professional that I've worked with for several years. And I think she has some excellent capabilities that you're going to enjoy. Amy: Thanks, Rich. I started my career in feature films and commercials, but I quickly gravitated towards documentary style and interview-driven narratives. But in addition to doing that, I also work with organizations on Branding and on Strategic Planning. And I work a little bit with boards on development. But all these things are really part of the same package, which is drawing…
