From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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Challenge: Cut together a three-minute interview for a podcast

Challenge: Cut together a three-minute interview for a podcast

From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

Challenge: Cut together a three-minute interview for a podcast


Male 1: Now's a great time for you to go ahead and get hands on. You saw how I recorded a remote audio interview using Skype. And I'm going to let you download that audio file and try it out. If your membership includes lesson files, you could pull down the audio file and get hands on. Go ahead and take this file and try to cut together a three minute interview. What I'd like you to do is craft something that would work as a podcast segment or a radio segment, and make sure that it's set for a PG audience. Now, our interview subject, Skip, told a few colorful stories. So I recommend that you trim it down and be sure that its something that a grade school student could listen to. Find a compelling story, key in on the best subject and really make something that will work as a standalone segment.
