From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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Future-proofing interviews

Future-proofing interviews


Rich: When it comes to interviews, you want to make sure that these are going to have a long shelf life. Ideally they'll work for the project at hand, but the best case scenario is when they actually can work for future projects. Amy: And one of the reasons why we like to get both long and short versions of answers is because, a lot of times, the long version is in the first version of the video. And then the short answers are in some kind of montage version or something that goes on the web afterwards. Rich: And by having both versions, this is going to give you flexibility. It's also going to allow you to do that popular technique, that I really liked how you described it. Intercutting multiple people together to tell the same story. One of the things that's important is that you coach your subject to incorporate the question into their answer. This is going to make editing easier. Now you don't have to be obsessive about this. I see people really grind an interview to a halt. But…
