From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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Logging information from the field

Logging information from the field

From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

Logging information from the field


Male 1: As you move into post, you're going to want to make sure that you transfer information from the field to the post production environment. Now, obviously the card data is one type of data, but I mean more of the metadata, the information you learned in the field. So, there are several things that you could take from your knowledge or you notes, and put it in for a smoother post production. For example make sure you match the information on the card to the shoot schedule. You can go back and look at the shoot schedule, identify some of the critical information such as the peoples names, as well as the locations and put that in as Metadata. Remember lots of times there's extra information to be added as a field. Be sure that you register information about the timing in the order of interviews. It's critical during the editing stage that you can find the information that you want, and you might not be editing your own material. I personally find that by having the date and time…
