From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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Rich: One of the benefits of your membership, is you have access to an extensive library of topics. And I just wanted to share a few classes that we've worked on or that we have seen that we find helpful. The first is called Foundations of Video Interviews by Anthony Artis. And Anthony is a very qualified educator who shares a lot of professional real world experience with you, about both the technical and the design side of interviews. Now, I think this course is an excellent compliment to what we have here, and you should check it out. Amy: I also want to call your attention to Rich Harrington and Robbie Carmen's DSLR Video tips. Obviously DSLR Cameras are very flexible. We're using them a lot nowadays. There are a lot of different tools and techniques to use. And so, I think you're going to want to look at Rich and Robbie's course on this subject. Rich: And throughout the course today, you'll hear us talk about things like location scouts and site surveys, as well as…
