From the course: The Art of Video Interviews

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What's the one thing?

What's the one thing?


Male 1: We all have phrases we use a lot. And, one of mine is, what's the one thing? The whole goal here is to just drill a little bit deeper. When I'm talking to my subject, I often want to get them to focus and really just tell me the most important thing. The thing that stands out. The one thing they want the other people in the audience to remember. Therefore, it's important to really be specific. You see, if I ask somebody what's great, they're going to just start listing all the reasons. But at the end of the day, I might only have time for one in the finished video. Or, if you really ask somebody to choose what their favorite thing is, it's going to be the best thing. And so by forcing them to narrow their focus a bit, you're going to get a higher quality answer. Another thing that you want to do is give people positive reinforcement. So when you ask them what that one thing is, if that one thing lines up with what your objective was to capture, give them that reinforcement…
