From the course: The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do (getAbstract Summary)

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Servant leadership: A fictional case study

Servant leadership: A fictional case study


- [Male Narrator] Jeff and Debbie's next meeting was the last of their formal mentoring sessions. Debbie asked him which leaders he would cite as ideal role models, people who carried out all facets of the serve approach. Jeff named Nelson Mandela because he emerged from jail without bitterness and went on to serve his country. Debbie suggested former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, because of his work with Habitat for Humanity and his efforts to promote peace. Then Jeff said that personally, he saw Jesus of Nazareth as someone who symbolized the whole philosophy of servant leadership. - [Female Narrator] As Debbie thanked him for mentoring her, Jeff announced that he'd decided to promote her to manage the firm's leadership development activities. She happily accepted the promotion. A week later, Jeff joined Debbie and her team to celebrate her move. Everyone was in a party mood. Jill, a team member who would replace…
