From the course: Top 10 Video Camera Tricks

What you can learn in this course

From the course: Top 10 Video Camera Tricks

What you can learn in this course


(upbeat music) - [Rich Harrington] Hi, my name's Rich Harrington, and welcome to this course, where we'll explore cool things you can do with a video camera. You're going to learn all sorts of types of trick video, and things that you can create, that are really interesting, with a camera. We'll start things out and walk you through some of the equipment that you need to pull this off. It's pretty straightforward, mainly a tripod, and occasionally a few accessories. You'll then learn how to create a looping object. This is perfect if you want to create video that you post to a website or want to use for something like digital signage or for a social media feed. We'll then move on to hyperlapse, which is a way to cover a lot of ground. It's effectively a moving time lapse, and this is a really cool way to walk through a large space very quickly. We'll then show you how to create video from a moving vehicle. I'll talk through a couple of different strategies on how to actually attach a camera to a car. (upbeat music continues) I'll then give you the basics of time lapse, what it's useful for, and how to capture great time lapse shots. We'll then move to point-of-view video, how to actually capture video from someone's point of view or perspective. This usually comes from mounting a camera. Another popular social media post is a tiny planet, and I'll show you how to use a 360-degree camera to capture a wide field of view that creates this special look. We'll then move on to some extreme low-angle shots, different strategies for actually putting the camera low to the ground. We'll also take a look at a genre referred to as impossible shots, how to make things that at first glance seem normal, but then as you start to watch the video, you realize that there's something special about it. And I'll show you how to use green screen on a budget to get some great results. (upbeat music continues) This course is a lot of fun, and it will teach you how to use your camera and come up with new ideas pretty quickly. (music fades)
