From the course: Unix Essential Training

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Creating files

Creating files


- [Narrator] In this movie, we'll learn to create files in Unix. And we'll do that using the nano text editor that we talked about in the last chapter. Before we do, let's start by looking at some of the best practices for naming files in Unix. Unix file names have a 255 character maximum. That's very long and more than enough for your needs. You can use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, underscore, hyphen, or period in the file name. You typically want to avoid using symbols. File names are case sensitive, so something like My File with a capital M and a capital F is different from my file, all lower case. For that reason, most Unix developers prefer using lowercase all the time. For one thing, it's just less typing if you don't have to hit the shift key. They also prefer underscores over spaces. You can use spaces in file names. If you do, though, you have to escape them with a backslash, which again is just a…
