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Using plugins with ChatGPT

Using plugins with ChatGPT


- Just a few days before I recorded this video, ChatGPT released plugins, opening up a whole new world of possibilities. One of the plugins currently available and free of charge is Bramework. However, please note that there may be additional plugin options available, and this plugin may have even started charging or it might not even be available by the time you watch this video. The landscape is ever-changing, and who knows what awaits us. To access these plugins, you currently need to be using ChatGPT-4. However, keep in mind that this requirement may have evolved by the time you view this video. Now, let's take a quick look at how we can use the Bramework plugin. If you've got the paid version of ChatGPT, you're able to access GPT-4. This is at the time of filming. It may have changed by the time you watch this. So when we click on GPT-4, we see there's a dropdown here. We're going to make sure that plugins are…
