From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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Choosing a delivery method

Choosing a delivery method


- Choosing a method to deliver your survey is an important consideration. Should you send it via email? Maybe use a popup on your website, or perhaps an old fashioned paper and pen survey would be most effective. This video will show you how to choose the right delivery method for your customer service survey. To start, there are two key considerations. The first consideration is whether the survey is easy for your customers to discover and complete. Think of your survey of as an extension of your organization's customer service. You want the survey to be simple and easy so you'll get high response rates, and you won't risk annoying your customers. The second consideration is whether the survey makes it easy for you to capture and analyze the data. We all have limited time and resources, if your survey takes too much time to analyze, or too much of a budget to implement, it's unlikely that your survey will be worth the effort. Keeping in mind that we want our surveys to be easy for…
