From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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Conducting text analysis

Conducting text analysis


- There's often a lot of great insight hidden in those free form comments that customers write on surveys. I'm going to show you how to extract that data so you can use it. Now you probably won't need this video if you already have sophisticated text analyst software. But for the rest of us, we have to go with option two, which is doing it by hand. You can analyze text by hand using what's called a Check Sheet. A Check Sheet allows you to categorize survey comments as you read them. It gets its name because you make a check mark each time you read a comment that fits a particular category. Let's walk through one together. I'm going to create a Check Sheet for comments made by unsatisfied customers on a survey to see what we can learn. Start with a blank piece of paper, like this. Next, read the first comment. The first question mentions it took the customer several emails to fix their issue. If I were to categorize this problem, I'd write down FCR. For First Contact Resolution. In…
